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Simplifying The Gospel in a structured lesson by teaching the children about God in a simple and
practical way and actively engaging by listening to the children’s understanding and interpretation of
the Holy Bible.

Every Sunday, structured lessons are taught to the different age groups in an interactive way, ensuring that teachers also listen to the children’s interpretation of the Bible


It has been fulfilling to observe our Sunday School children grow in the church by undergoing the confirmation sacrament and also participating in several church ministries such as the Server’s Guilds, Readers and some coming back to being the Sunday School teachers.


Membership forms can be obtained from the Church Wardens or Sides persons in church


children are not
just the church of tomorrow...
they are the church of

by : Tidimalo 

It has been fulfilling to observe our Sunday School children grow in the church by undergoing the confirmation a ministry that strives at developing children to be Christlike

click the button to join 


what we

get up to

Sunday School takes place every Sunday during the 9:30 service

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