The name Mary of Magdala is mentioned in the four canonical Gospels as a woman who originates
from the fishing town of Magdala. She travelled with Jesus as one of his disciples, famously known as
one of the women that Jesus healed from evil spirits and out of her seven demons were driven out.
Mary Magdelene Admission Ceremony
APRIL 2022
"Christ is risen"

MMG members at Waterkloof Nature reserve hiking trail

MMG robing admissions
Since its introduction to the Diocese of Pretoria in 2013, St. Mary Magdalene has been active in other Dioceses. In the Cathedral, the guild got its attraction from St Francis of Assisi in Mamelodi, where their members we already robed under the leadership of Revd Bam. About 14 ladies approached the then Dean Allan to introduce this guild in the Cathedral. He gave approval and St Mary Magdalene was launched. In 2016, the first 14 members of St Mary Magdalene – Cathedral were robed under the leadership of the late Dean Mashishi.

Members of
St. Mary Magdalene Cathedral with The Bishop of the Diocese –The Rt. Revd AJ.Kannemeyer
about MMG
Our Guild's Prayer
Merciful Lord, Your Son restored Mary Magdalene to health of body and mind, and made her the first witness to see Jesus Christ our Lord, risen from the dead; and told the Good News to His Disciples.
Renew our hearts too, so that we bring your Good News, that saves and heals, to others; reclaim our lives and bless them to the effect that we bear fruits just as new wine at the wedding in Cana, to the end that through us, your Holy name may be praised and glorified through Jesus Christ our Lord.
God of Grace and Glory, your Son sent Mary Magdalene as the witness to His resurrection: give us the same courage and love that we may boldly proclaim His risen life; who with you and the Holy Spirit is alive and reigns, one God, now and forever. Amen
The Guild's Collect (pg 303 APB)
The origin of our
patron St Mary
The name Mary of Magdala is mentioned in the four canonical Gospels as a woman who originates form a fishing town of Magdala. She travelled with Jesus as one of his disciples, famously known as one of the women that Jesus healed from evil spirits and out of her seven demons were driven out. Through the goodness and deliverance that she received, Mary Magdalene became a disciple of Jesus Christ and aided Jesus’ ministry, together with other women in Galilee “out of their own resources”
Mary Magdalene was a witness to the crucifixion of Jesus. She is mentioned as one standing by the cross at the crucifixion. She was also present at his burial as she and Mary the mother of Jesus saw where he was buried. All the four gospels identified her, either alone or as a member of a large group of women. Jesus Christ chose her to be the first witness of the empty tomb, she is
seen weeping because the stone had been rolled away and the tomb was empty. She became the first to witness Jesus's resurrection. She looks and searches for her Lord but does not recognise him until he calls her by name. She runs to announce to the disciples that “I have seen the Lord”
Mary Magdalene in known in some Anglican traditions as the “Apostle of Apostle”, we know her as the “Herald of the Christ”. She is considered a Saint because she was a heroine of faith and a feast in her memory is celebrated on the 22 July.